Tema Nombre Descripción
Archivo Syntax I Syllabus (Programa del curso)

Here you can find the syllabus of our subject, the corresponding percentages and the classroom rules

Archivo Rules

Please, read the following rules about the use of this Moodle.

URL UIS Database

Here you will find the link to access the Databases that the university has.

Carpeta Presentations (Exposiciones)

Here you will find the readings corresponding to each one of the presentations you are going to be in charge to give.

Carpeta Important Files

In this file you will find some useful links with contents related to the ones proposed for this course. Besides, you will find the bibliography that you can use in order to learn more about the subject.

CMAP Tools URL CMAP Tools Download

This link will send you to the free software CMAP Tools. Download it and start using it to improve your trees.


Click on here to watch a great tutorial. 

PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module. 

MODIFIERS Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

TENSE ASPECT OF ENGLISH Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

MODALS Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

URL Online exercises on Modal Verbs


In this link you will find exercises on modal verbs in English.


To check your knowledge on modal verbs.


Do the exercises and in case you have a question, bring it to class or create an entry in the forum.

SENTENCE PATTERNS Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

SEQUENCE OF TENSES Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

URL Online exercises English tenses


In this link you will find exercises on tenses in English.


To check your knowledge on tenses.


Do the exercises and in case you have a question, bring it to class or create an entry in the forum.

MOOD Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

URL Online exercises moods


In this link you will find exercises on moods in English.


To check your knowledge on moods.


Do the exercises and in case you have a question, bring it to class or create an entry in the forum.

VOICE Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

URL Online exercises active and passive voice


In this link you will find exercises on active and passive voice in English.


To check your knowledge on active and passive voice.


Do the exercises and in case you have a question, bring it to class or create an entry in the forum.

VERBALS Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

URL Online exercises verbals


In this link you will find exercises on verbals in English.


To check your knowledge on verbals.


Do the exercises and in case you have a question, bring it to class or create an entry in the forum.

COMPLEX SENTENCES Carpeta Reading files and tasks

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

URL Online exercises conditionals


In this link you will find exercises on each one of the conditionals in English.


To check your knowledge on English conditionals


Do the exercises and in case you have a question, bring it to class or create an entry in the forum.

MORPHOLOGY Carpeta Reading tasks and files

You will find here the files with the additional information about the topics we have seen in class and their corresponding tasks (attachments) for this module.

URL English prefixes and suffixes roots


Here you will find a list of some of the most common prefixes and suffixes of the English language. 


To make students feel familiar with the English morphology and introduce some of the affixes that will be studied in class.

URL Online exercises affixation


In this link you will find some exercises on affixation. Check them and if you have any question bring it to class or post an entry in the forum.