First assignment: Conditionals Handout

First assignment: Conditionals Handout


To enhance the knowledge acquired in class and put in practice all the situations when conditionals are used and the possible changes in meaning derived from the use of different conditionals in similar situations.


1.     Change the following sentences from present-real (First Conditional) to present – unreal (Second Conditional) and past-unreal (Third conditional).

A.    He will surely get the job if he goes to the interview.

B.    If the copies are ready early, I’ll notify you.

C.   If I save money, I will buy a new house.

D.   If Martha says “yes”, we’ll go dancing tonight.

E.    She will create a new app if she has enough money.


2.     Complete the following sentences by using the corresponding conditional forms.

A.    We shall certainly advise them if ________________________________________

B.    If I had only known ___________________________________________________

C.   She could have attended to the lecture if __________________________________

D.   If the documents had not arrived yesterday ________________________________

E.    The office will notify Mr. Gómez if ______________________________________

F.    If they cannot keep their appointment _____________________________________

G.   Mary might have gotten the job if ________________________________________

H.   If you had answered faster _____________________________________________

I.      A student must not be absent frequently if _________________________________


3.     Change the statements into conditional sentences

A.    The teacher spoke very fast, so I didn’t understand him.

B.    I cannot finish the homework today because I don’t have enough time.

C.   The electricity went off, so I couldn’t finish the assignment.

D.   I wanted to call you last night, but my phone was out of order.

E.    She’s a promising candidate because her qualifications are excellent.


4.     Change the sentences to unreal conditions (Third Conditional)

A.    I would have written before this, but I’ve been very busy.

B.    I would call him, but I don’t have his number.