function varargout = dpm(varargin) %DPM Dynamic Programming using Matrix operations version 1.1.1 % % OPTIONS = DPM() returns the standard options structure. % % DPM(FUN,NX,NU) saves a random test model with the filename FUN.m % and NX number of states and NU number of inputs. % % [[OUT] DYN] = DPM(FUN,PAR,GRD,PRB,OPTIONS) whith FUN is a function % handle with the model function. The DPM-function requires that the % state and input grids are discretized and limited. The function assumes % equally spaced grids and the GRD structure needed is defined as: % GRD.X0{.} = 'initial state' (only used in forward simulation) % GRD.XN{.}.hi = 'final state upper constraint' % GRD.XN{.}.lo = 'final state lower constraint' % GRD.Nx{.} = 'number of elements in the state grid' % GRD.Xn{.}.hi = 'upper boundary of the state grid' % GRD.Xn{.}.lo = 'lower boundary of the state grid' % GRD.Nu{.} = 'number of elements in the input grid' % GRD.Un{.}.hi = 'upper boundary of the input grid' % GRD.Un{.}.lo = 'lower boundary of the input grid' % PRB contains the problem parameters % PRB.Ts = time step % PRB.N = number of time steps in problem (defines the problem % length) % [PRB.N0] = start time index (only used in forward simulation) % [PRB.W{i}] = (optional) vectors with length PRB.T containing % disturbances. % PAR is a user defined variable that is sent to the model function. % Useful if the model need some parameters defined outside the DPM % function. % OPTIONS is the options structure containing % OPTIONS.Waitbar = 'off'; (on/off to show or hide waitbars) % OPTIONS.Verbose = 'on' (on/off command window status % notification) % OPTIONS.Warnings = 'off'; (on/off to show or hide warnings) % OPTIONS.SaveMap = 'on'; (on/off to save cost-to-go map) % OPTIONS.MyInf = 1e4; (a big number for infeaible states % where out.I=1) % OPTIONS.Minimize = 1; (one/zero if minimizing or maximizing) % OPTIONS.InputType = 'cd' (string with the same number of % characters as number of inputs. % contains the character 'c' if input is % continuous or 'd' if discrete. % Default is all continuous.) % OPTIONS.BoundaryMethod = 'none', 'Line' or 'LevelSet' % if BoundaryMethod = 'Line' % OPTIONS.FixedGrid = 0; (zero/one use grid as defined in GRD or % adjust the according to boundary line) % OPTIONS.Iter = 10; (maximum number of iterations when % inverting model) % OPTIONS.Tol = 1e-8; (minimum tolerance when inverting % model) % endif % OPTIONS.gN{1} Cost matrix at the final time % (must be of size(OPTIONS.gN{1}) = % [GRD.Nx{1} GRD.Nx{2} ... GRD.Nx{.}]). % % % OUT = DPM(DYN,FUN,PAR,GRD,PRB,OPTIONS) only calculates the forward % simulation using DYN calculated earlier. % % OUT = DPM(N0,DYN,FUN,PAR,GRD,PRB,OPTIONS) only calculates the forward % simulation using DYN calculated earlier but from index N0 % (in the range 1->prb.N). % % Up to 5e6 grid points (prod([GRD.Nx{1} GRD.Nx{2} ... GRD.Nx{.} % GRD.Nu{1} GRD.Nu{2} ... GRD.Nu{.}])) works well. % % % EXAMPLES_______________________________________________________________ % DPM can be used to get standard options % options = dpm(); % % DPM can be used to generate a test model % dpm('model_test',3,2); % % FULL DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES______________________________________ % To calculate the optimal control for a test model: % dpm('model_test',2,2); % grd.Nx{1} = 11; grd.Xn{1}.lo = -50; grd.Xn{1}.hi = 100; % grd.Nx{2} = 11; grd.Xn{2}.lo = -50; grd.Xn{2}.hi = 100; % grd.Nu{1} = 11; grd.Un{1}.lo = -5; grd.Un{1}.hi = 5; % grd.Nu{2} = 11; grd.Un{2}.lo = -5; grd.Un{2}.hi = 5; % % grd.X0{1} = 0; % grd.X0{2} = 0; % grd.XN{1}.lo = 0; grd.XN{1}.hi = 20; % grd.XN{2}.lo = 0; grd.XN{2}.hi = 20; % % prb.Ts = 1/5; % prb.N = 200*1/prb.Ts + 1; % prb.N0 = 1; % prb.W{1} = rand(1,prb.N); % options = dpm(); % [out dyn] = dpm('model_test',[],grd,prb,options); % % % HINTS FOR DEBUGGING____________________________________________________ % The model function is called twice before the actual DP algorithm is % used in order to determine the number of states, inputs, and outputs. % When adding breakpoints to the model function, please be aware of this. % % % REFERENCES_____________________________________________________________ % When using DPM please cite: % Sundstrom, O. and Guzzella, L., "A Generic Dynamic Programming Matlab % Function", In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on % Control Applications, pages 1625-1630, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2009 % % LICENSE________________________________________________________________ % This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public % License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this % file, You can obtain one at % % COPYRIGHT______________________________________________________________ % Copyright 2008- Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, Department % of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich % Author: Olle L. Sundstrom % % CHANGELOG______________________________________________________________ % v.1.0.6 (2010) Useable for MATLAB 2007 -- CD % v.1.0.6 (15-Dec-2010): Added OPTIONS.VERBOSE 'on'|{'off'}. Prints % status of DPM in the command window. Output equivalent to Waitbar but % with significantly less computational effort---SE % v.1.0.6 (July 2011) removed use of roundn % v.1.1.0 (15-Dec-2011) Added Level-Set-Method as an option and new % forward simulation scheme as an option -- PE % v.1.1.1 (11-Oc-2012) fixed error handling in line 2394 --PE % v.1.1.2 (19-Juni-2013) added licence agreement header -- PE try varargout = {}; if nargin == 3 if ~exist([varargin{1} '.m'],'file') str{1} = ''; str{end+1} = ['function [X, C, I, signals] = ' varargin{1} '(inp,par)']; str{end+1} = '\n%% inp.X{i} states'; str{end+1} = '%% inp.U{i} inputs'; str{end+1} = '%% inp.W{i} disturbances (as defined in dis-struct)'; str{end+1} = '%% inp.Ts time step'; str{end+1} = '%% par struct including user defined parameters'; % str{end+1} = '%% lim.X{i} = ["lower" ; "upper"] (limits of each state)'; str{end+1} = '\n%% state update (out.X{i} must be set within model function)'; % str{end+1} = 'func = inp.Ts.*(par.a.*(inp.X{1}-inp.X{1}.^2/par.b)-inp.U{1});'; for i=1:varargin{2} x = round(rand*(varargin{2}-1))+1; u = round(rand*(varargin{3}-1))+1; str{end+1} = ['X{' num2str(i) '} = ' num2str(rand) '.*(inp.X{' num2str(x) '} + inp.U{' num2str(u) '} + inp.W{1})./inp.Ts + inp.X{' num2str(i) '};']; end str{end+1} = '\n%% cost (out.C{1} must be set within model function)'; str{end+1} = 'C{1} = -inp.Ts.*inp.U{1};'; str{end+1} = '\n%% Infeasibility (out.I [zero=feasible/one=infeasible] must be set within model function)'; str{end+1} = '\n%% for example if the state is outside the grid or infeasible combinations of inputs and states occur.'; str{end+1} = '\n%% The cost of these state-input combinations will be set to options.MyInf by the DPM function.'; str{end+1} = 'I = 0;'; % for i=2:varargin{2} % str{end+1} = ['I = bitor(out.I,bitor(out.X{' num2str(i) '}lim.X{' num2str(i) '}.hi));']; % end str{end+1} = '\n%% store signals (store any other signals in the out struct)'; for i=1:varargin{3} str{end+1} = ['signals.U{' num2str(i) '} = inp.U{' num2str(i) '};']; end fid = fopen([varargin{1} '.m'], 'w'); for i=1:length(str) fprintf(fid, [str{i} '\n']); end fclose(fid); return else error('DPM:Internal','Filename exist in the current directory') end elseif nargin == 4 model = varargin{1}; par = varargin{2}; grd = varargin{3}; dis = varargin{4}; inp = dpm_get_empty_inp(grd,dis,'zero'); varargout{1} = dpm_get_empty_out(model,inp,par,grd,'zero'); return; elseif nargin == 2 error('DPM:Internal','Grid generation is not supported anymore, grd = dpm(Xset,Uset);'); % varargout{1} = dpm_compose_grid(varargin{1},varargin{2}); % warning('DPM:General','Initial state X0, final state constraints XN, and state limits Xn are set to default values.') % return elseif nargin == 0 options.Waitbar = 'off'; options.Verbose = 'on'; options.Warnings = 'on'; options.SaveMap = 'on'; options.MyInf = 1e4; options.Minimize = 1; options.BoundaryMethod = 'none'; %options.FixedGrid = 1; %options.Iter = 10; %options.Tol = 1e-8; varargout{1} = options; return; elseif nargin == 5 RunForward = nargout > 1; RunBackward = 1; model = varargin{1}; par = varargin{2}; grd = varargin{3}; dis = varargin{4}; options = varargin{5}; elseif nargin == 6 RunForward = 1; RunBackward = 0; dyn = varargin{1}; model = varargin{2}; par = varargin{3}; grd = varargin{4}; dis = varargin{5}; options = varargin{6}; elseif nargin == 7 RunForward = 1; RunBackward = 0; dyn = varargin{2}; model = varargin{3}; par = varargin{4}; grd = varargin{5}; dis = varargin{6}; options = varargin{7}; t0 = varargin{1}; end % Check all inputs if nargin==4 || nargin==5 || nargin==6 || nargin==7 % If disturbance vectors are not set if ~isfield(dis,'W') dis.W = {}; end grd = input_check_grd(grd,dis.N); end if exist('options','var') if isfield(options,'Warnings') && strcmp(options.Warnings,'on') warning('on','DPM:Backward') warning('on','DPM:Forward') warning('on','DPM:General') end if ~isfield(options,'CalcLine') %Backward Compatibility: if isfield(options,'InfCost') warning('DPM:Internal','The option ''InfCost'' has been renamed to ''MyInf''. Consider adjusting your code.') options.MyInf = options.InfCost; options = rmfield(options,'InfCost'); end if isfield(options,'BoundaryLineMethod') warning('DPM:Internal','The option ''BoundaryLineMethod'' has been renamed to ''BoundaryMethod''. Consider adjusting your code.') options.BoundaryMethod = options.BoundaryLineMethod; options = rmfield(options,'BoundaryLineMethod'); end if isfield(options,'HideWaitbar') warning('DPM:Internal','The option ''HideWaitbar'' has been renamed to ''Waitbar''. Consider adjusting your code.') if options.HideWaitbar options.Waitbar = 'off'; else options.Waitbar = 'on'; end options = rmfield(options,'HideWaitbar'); end if isfield(options,'UseLine') warning('DPM:Internal','The option ''UseLine'' has been renamed to ''BoundaryMethod''. Consider adjusting your code.') if options.UseLine options.BoundaryMethod = 'Line'; else options.BoundaryMethod = 'none'; end options = rmfield(options,'UseLine'); end % Sanity Check of options structure: fnames = fieldnames(options); onames = {'Waitbar';'Verbose';'Warnings';'SaveMap';'MyInf';'Minimize';'BoundaryMethod';'Iter';'Tol';'FixedGrid';'gN';'InputType';'CalcLine';'UseUmap';'UseLine';'UseLevelSet'}; for ii = 1:length(fnames) ok = 0; for jj=1:length(onames) ok = ok || strcmp(fnames{ii},onames{jj}); end if ~ok warning('DPM:Internal',['Unknown option: ''',fnames{ii},'''!']) end end clear fnames onames ii jj ok options.CalcLine = 0; if ~isfield(options,'SaveMap'); options.SaveMap = 0; else %Backwards compatibility if ~isnumeric(options.SaveMap) switch options.SaveMap case 'on' options.SaveMap = 1; case 'off' options.SaveMap = 0; otherwise warning('DPM:Internal','Unable to interpret the option "SaveMap". Using SaveMap = ''on''!' ) options.SaveMap = 1; end end end %interpret user input regarding boundary method if ~isfield(options,'BoundaryMethod') options.BoundaryMethod = ''; end switch options.BoundaryMethod case 'none' options.UseLine = 0; options.UseLevelSet = 0; case 'Line' options.UseLine = 1; options.UseLevelSet = 0; options.UseUmap = 1; case 'LevelSet' options.UseLine = 0; options.UseLevelSet = 1; options.UseUmap = 0; otherwise disp('Boundary Method not specified! Using BoundaryMethod = ''none''.') options.BoundaryMethod = 'none'; options.UseLine = 0; options.UseLevelSet = 0; end if ~isfield(options,'UseUmap') options.UseUmap = 1; end % Boundary Line Method if options.UseLine if length(grd.Nx)>1 warning('DPM:Internal','Boundary-Line method works only with one-dimensional systems. Consider using the Level-Set method.') end if ~isfield(options,'FixedGrid') warning('DPM:Internal','Grid adaptation unspecified. Using options.FixedGrid=1.') options.FixedGrid = 1; end if ~isfield(options,'Tol') warning('DPM:Internal','Model inversion requires the specification of a tolerance. Using options.Tol=10-8.') options.Tol = 1e-8; end if ~isfield(options,'Iter') warning('DPM:Internal','Model inversion requires the specification of a maximum number of iterations. Using options.Iter=10.') options.Iter = 10; end end % Level Set Method: if options.UseLevelSet if length(grd.Nx)==1 disp('For one-dimensional systems, consider using the Boundary-Line method.') end if ~options.SaveMap warning('DPM:Internal','Level-Set method needs cost-to-go for forward simulation. Setting SaveMap = ''on''.') options.SaveMap = 1; end options.UseUmap = 0; end else end end % DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING _____________________________________________________ % Returns the optimal cost-to-go dyn.Jo with the % size of T x length(X1) % and the optimal input matrix dyn.Uo with the size % size of T x length(X1) if RunBackward for i=1:length(grd.Xn) for j=1:length(grd.Xn{i}) if grd.Xn{i}.lo > grd.Xn{i}.hi if length(grd.Xn{i}) > 1 error('DPM:Internal',['Upper state boundary for state ' num2str(i) ' is at instance ' num2str(j) ' smaller than the lower state boundary.']) else error('DPM:Internal',['Upper state boundary for state ' num2str(i) ' is smaller than the lower state boundary.']) end end end end if ~options.CalcLine %grdXN = linspace(grd.Xn{1}.lo(end),grd.Xn{1}.hi(end),grd.Nx{1}(end))'; % remove if 2d boundary line % if options.FixedGrid && isempty(find(grdXN>=grd.XN{1}.lo & grdXN<=grd.XN{1}.hi,1)) % error('DPM:Internal','Final state constraints are too thight. Try to change to FixedGrid=0 \n\t or widen the final constraints or increase state resolution.') % else if isfield(options,'FixedGrid') && ~options.FixedGrid && min(grd.XN{1}.hi-grd.XN{1}.lo)/eps= i if dpm_sizecmp(options.gN{i},zeros(get_size(current_grd))) dyn.Jo{i} = options.gN{i}; else error('DPM:Internal',['options.gN{' num2str(i) '} has incorrect dimesions']); end % if dyn.Jo is NOT specified in options else dyn.Jo{i} = zeros(get_size(current_grd)); end end % if not using boundary line set cost of states outside feasible region % to myinf if ~options.UseLine && ~options.CalcLine && ~options.UseLevelSet for i=1:length(grd.Nx) eval(['dyn.Jo{1}(' repmat(':,',1,i-1) 'current_grd.X{i} > grd.XN{i}.hi' repmat(',:',1,length(grd.Nx)-i) ') = options.MyInf;']) eval(['dyn.Jo{1}(' repmat(':,',1,i-1) 'current_grd.X{i} < grd.XN{i}.lo' repmat(',:',1,length(grd.Nx)-i) ') = options.MyInf;']) end end if options.UseLevelSet %set up level set function dyn.Jo{end+1} = -inf*zeros(get_size(current_grd)); %initialize by V_N = h(x_N) if length(grd.Nx)>1 code_fin_cst = '['; for i=1:length(grd.Xn) code_fin_cst = [code_fin_cst, 'x{', num2str(i),'} ']; end code_fin_cst = [code_fin_cst, '] = ndgrid(']; for i=1:length(grd.Xn) code_fin_cst = [code_fin_cst, '(current_grd.X{', num2str(i),'}),']; end code_fin_cst = code_fin_cst(1:end-1); code_fin_cst = [code_fin_cst, ');']; else code_fin_cst = 'x{1} = current_grd.X{1};'; end eval(code_fin_cst); for i=1:length(x) dyn.Jo{end} = max(dyn.Jo{end},max(grd.XN{i}.lo-x{i},x{i}-grd.XN{i}.hi)); end if length(grd.Nx)>1 code_x_grd = '['; for i=1:length(grd.Xn) code_x_grd = [code_x_grd, 'x', num2str(i),' ']; end code_x_grd = [code_x_grd, '] = ndgrid(']; for i=1:length(grd.Xn) code_x_grd = [code_x_grd, '(1:x_sze(', num2str(i),'))'',']; end code_x_grd = code_x_grd(1:end-1); code_x_grd = [code_x_grd, ');']; else code_x_grd = 'x1 = (1:x_sze(1))'';'; end end % initialization if the entire cost-to-go map should be saved if options.SaveMap V_map = cell(length(dyn.Jo),dis.N+1); for i=1:length(dyn.Jo) for j=1:dis.N+1 x_sze_n = []; for k=1:length(grd.Nx) x_sze_n = [x_sze_n grd.Nx{k}(j)]; end if length(x_sze_n)==1 x_sze_n = [x_sze_n 1]; end V_map{i,j} = nan(x_sze_n); end V_map{i,dis.N+1} = dyn.Jo{i}; end end % initialize the optimal input map(s) dyn.Uo = cell(length(grd.Nu),dis.N); for i=1:length(grd.Nu) for j=1:dis.N x_sze_n = []; for k=1:length(grd.Nx) x_sze_n = [x_sze_n grd.Nx{k}(j)]; end if length(x_sze_n)==1 x_sze_n = [x_sze_n 1]; end dyn.Uo{i,j} = nan.*ones(x_sze_n); end end % GENERATE CODE FOR GENERATING GRID code_generate_grid = '['; for i=1:length(grd.Nx) code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid 'inp.X{' num2str(i) '} ']; end for i=1:length(grd.Nu) code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid 'inp.U{' num2str(i) '} ']; end code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid '] = ndgrid(']; for i=1:length(grd.Nx) code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid 'current_grd.X{' num2str(i) '},']; end for i=1:length(grd.Nu) code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid 'current_grd.U{' num2str(i) '},']; end code_generate_grid = code_generate_grid(1:end-1); code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid ');']; % GENERATE CODE FOR COST-TO-GO INTERPOLATION eval(['xsize = [' dpm_code('length(current_grd.X{#}) ',1:length(grd.Nx)) '];']); for k=1:length(dyn.Jo) code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = ['cost_to_go{' num2str(k) '} = dpm_interpn(']; for i=fliplr(find(xsize>1)) code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} 'previous_grd.X{' num2str(i) '},']; end code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} 'dyn.Jo{' num2str(k) '},']; for i=fliplr(find(xsize>1)) if options.CalcLine code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} 'inp.X{' num2str(i) '},']; else code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} 'out.X{' num2str(i) '},']; end end code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = code_cost_to_go_interp{k}(1:end-1); code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} ');']; end % GENERATE CODE FOR CONVERTING IND TO SUB code_ind2str = '['; for i=1:length(grd.Nu) code_ind2str = [code_ind2str 'uo' num2str(i) ' ']; end code_ind2str = [code_ind2str '] = ind2sub(u_sze,ui);']; % DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING % Display progres bar of Dynamic Programming backward iteration if ~isdeployed && strcmp(options.Waitbar,'on') if ~options.CalcLine h = waitbar(1,'DP running backwards. Please wait...'); else h = waitbar(1,'DP calculating boundary line. Please wait...'); end set(h,'name','DPM:Waitbar'); end if ~isdeployed && strcmp(options.Verbose,'on') if ~options.CalcLine fprintf('%s','DP running backwards: %%'); else fprintf('%s','DP calculating boundary line: %%'); end end if options.UseLine if length(grd.Nx)==1 isfeas = dyn.B.lo.Xo(:,1) > grd.X0{1} | dyn.B.hi.Xo(:,1) < grd.X0{1}; elseif length(grd.Nx)==2 isfeas = dpm_interpn(current_grd.X{2},dyn.B.lo.Xo(:,:,1),grd.X0{2}) > grd.X0{1} | dpm_interpn(current_grd.X{2},dyn.B.hi.Xo(:,:,1),grd.X0{2}) < grd.X0{1}; end if sum(reshape(isfeas,1,numel(isfeas)))~=0 warning('DPM:Backward','Initial value not feasible!') end end % flag for warnings (only warned one time) iswarned = 0; % start of dp-backward loop % for n=dis.N-1:-1:1 n = dis.N+1; while n > 1 n = n-1; previous_grd = current_grd; x_sze = nan(1,length(grd.Nx)); u_sze = nan(1,length(grd.Nu)); for i=1:length(grd.Nx) if options.UseLine && i==1 && ~options.FixedGrid if length(grd.Nx)==1 current_grd.X{i} = linspace(dyn.B.lo.Xo(n),dyn.B.hi.Xo(n),grd.Nx{i}(n))'; else current_grd.X{i} = linspace(min(min(dyn.B.lo.Xo(1,:,n:n+1))),max(min(dyn.B.hi.Xo(1,:,n:n+1))),grd.Nx{i}(n))'; end elseif ~options.CalcLine || i~=1 current_grd.X{i} = linspace(grd.Xn{i}.lo(n),grd.Xn{i}.hi(n),grd.Nx{i}(n))'; end x_sze(i) = grd.Nx{i}(n); end for i=1:length(grd.Nu) current_grd.U{i} = linspace(grd.Un{i}.lo(n),grd.Un{i}.hi(n),grd.Nu{i}(n))'; u_sze(i) = grd.Nu{i}(n); end % generate input and state grid eval(code_generate_grid); if options.CalcLine % if calculating boundary line initialize the first input state eval(['inp.X{1} = repmat(dyn.Jo{1},[ones(1,length(grd.Nx)) ' dpm_code('length(current_grd.U{#}) ',1:length(grd.Nu)) ']);']); end % Call model function _________________________________________________ % generate disturbance for w = 1:length(dis.W) inp.W{w} = dis.W{w}(n); end inp.Ts = dis.Ts; try % call model function if isfield(options,'Signals') && ~isempty(options.Signals) [out.X out.C out.I signals] = feval(model,inp,par); else [out.X out.C out.I] = feval(model,inp,par); end if options.UseLevelSet %Calculate Level set function: if n==dis.N %check analytically Vt = -inf*ones(size(out.X{1})); for i=1:length(grd.Xn) Vt = max(Vt,max(grd.XN{i}.lo-out.X{i},out.X{i}-grd.XN{i}.hi)); end else %check by interpolation eval(code_cost_to_go_interp{end}); Vt = cost_to_go{end}; end Vt(out.I==1) = options.MyInf; if length(grd.Nu)>1 Vt = reshape(Vt,[x_sze prod(u_sze)]); end [dyn.Jo{end} ub] = min(Vt,[],length(x_sze)+1); end % determine the arc-cost for i=1:length(grd.Nx) out.I = bitor(out.I,out.X{i}>grd.Xn{i}.hi(n+1)); out.I = bitor(out.I,out.X{i}options.MyInf) = options.MyInf; if options.CalcLine Jt(Jtgrd.Xn{1}.hi(n)) = options.MyInf; end end catch err = lasterror; if exist('out','var') if sum(reshape(isnan(out.I),1,numel(out.I))) > 0 error('DPM:Internal','Make sure the model does not output NaN in the variable I') end if sum(reshape(isnan(out.C{1}),1,numel(out.C{1}))) > 0 error('DPM:Internal','Make sure the model does not output NaN in the variable C') end if sum(reshape(isnan(out.X{1}),1,numel(out.X{1}))) > 0 error('DPM:Internal','Make sure the model does not output NaN in the variable X') end err.message = [err.message ' Error in dpm_backward at n=' num2str(n)]; end rethrow(err); end if length(grd.Nu)>1 Jt = reshape(Jt,[x_sze prod(u_sze)]); end % minimize the cost-to-go if options.Minimize [Q ui] = min(Jt,[],length(x_sze)+1); else [Q ui] = max(Jt,[],length(x_sze)+1); end if options.UseLevelSet %handle infeasible states: Q_inf = J + cost_to_go{1}; Q_inf = reshape(Q_inf,[x_sze prod(u_sze)]); eval(code_x_grd); switch length(grd.Nx) case 1 Qinf = Q_inf(sub2ind([x_sze prod(u_sze)],x1,ub)); case 2 Qinf = Q_inf(sub2ind([x_sze prod(u_sze)],x1,x2,ub)); case 3 Qinf = Q_inf(sub2ind([x_sze prod(u_sze)],x1,x2,x3,ub)); case 4 Qinf = Q_inf(sub2ind([x_sze prod(u_sze)],x1,x2,x3,x4,ub)); end Q(min(Vt,[],length(x_sze)+1)>0) = Qinf(min(Vt,[],length(x_sze)+1)>0); ui(min(Vt,[],length(x_sze)+1)>0) = ub(min(Vt,[],length(x_sze)+1)>0); end if ~options.CalcLine && isfield(options,'Signals') && ~isempty(options.Signals) for i=1:length(options.Signals) try eval(['dyn.' options.Signals{i} '{n} = signals.' options.Signals{i} '(sub2ind([x_sze u_sze],' dpm_code('(1:x_sze(#))''',1:length(x_sze)) ',ui));']); catch warning('DPM:Backward','options.signals element is not found in model output.') end end end if sum(reshape(Q,1,numel(Q))==options.MyInf) == numel(Q) if options.UseLine % if using line then all points can be infeasible as long as eventually one point is inside boundary lines. if dyn.B.hi.Jo(1,1,n)==options.MyInf && dyn.B.lo.Jo(1,1,n)==options.MyInf || sum(reshape(out.X{1}>dyn.B.lo.Xo(n+1) & out.X{1}0 && sum(reshape(inp.X{1}(out.X{1}>dyn.B.lo.Xo(n+1) & out.X{1}dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & inp.X{1}(out.X{1}>dyn.B.lo.Xo(n+1) & out.X{1}dyn.B.lo.Xo(n+1) & out.X{1}0 if isfield(options,'DebugMode') && options.DebugMode fprintf('DPM:Model function error \n \t Entering model function at the instance where the error occured \n\t Check if the entire grid generates infeasible solutions.\n') if isa(model, 'function_handle') eval(['dbstop in ' func2str(model) ' at 1']); else eval(['dbstop in ' model ' at 1']); end n = n+1; continue end warning('DPM:Backward','No feasible solution Q(i,j,..) = Inf for all i,j,...') break; end else if ~options.CalcLine && isfield(options,'DebugMode') && options.DebugMode if isa(model, 'function_handle') eval(['dbstop in ' func2str(model) ' at 1']); else eval(['dbstop in ' model ' at 1']); end n = n+1; continue end warning('DPM:Backward','No feasible solution Q(i,j,..) = Inf for all i,j,...') break; end end % Update optimal cost dyn.Jo with the minimum cost-to-go Q if options.UseLine if length(grd.Nx)==1 below = current_grd.X{1}dyn.B.hi.Xo(n); inside = current_grd.X{1}>=dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & current_grd.X{1}<=dyn.B.hi.Xo(n); else below = current_grd.X{1}max(dyn.B.hi.Xo(:,:,n)); inside = current_grd.X{1}>=min(dyn.B.lo.Xo(:,:,n)) & current_grd.X{1}<=max(dyn.B.hi.Xo(:,:,n)); end dyn.Jo{1} = nan(size(Q)); eval(['dyn.Jo{1}(:' repmat(',:',1,length(grd.Nx)-1) ') = Q;']); % Single State: if all points are infeasible and some points are between % boundaries: use interpolation between boundary-data if dyn.B.lo.Jo(n)dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & current_grd.X{1}0 dyn.Jo{1}(current_grd.X{1}>dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & current_grd.X{1}dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & current_grd.X{1}1 eval(['cost_to_go{2} = dpm_interpn(' dpm_code('current_grd.X{#},',2:length(grd.Nx)) 'dyn.Jo{i}' dpm_code(',out.X{#}',2:length(grd.Nx)) ');']); dyn.Jo{i} = (reshape(cost_to_go{2}(ind2),x_sze)~=options.MyInf & reshape(out.I(ind2),x_sze)==0).*(reshape(Ci(ind2),x_sze) + reshape(cost_to_go{2}(ind2),x_sze)) + (reshape(cost_to_go{2}(ind2),x_sze)==options.MyInf | reshape(out.I(ind2),x_sze)~=0).*options.MyInf; else dyn.Jo{i} = (dyn.Jo{i}~=options.MyInf & out.I(ind2)==0).*(Ci(ind2) + dyn.Jo{i}) + (dyn.Jo{i}==options.MyInf | out.I(ind2)~=0).*options.MyInf; end if options.Minimize dyn.Jo{i}(dyn.Jo{i}>options.MyInf) = options.MyInf; else dyn.Jo{i}(dyn.Jo{i} 1 eval(['dyn.Uo{i,n}(:' repmat(',:',1,length(grd.Nx)-1) ') = current_grd.U{i}(uo' num2str(i) ');']); [ind col] = dpm_sub2indr([grd.Nx{1}(n) grd.Nx{2}(n)],ones(1,grd.Nx{2}(n)),dpm_findl(current_grd.X{1},dyn.B.lo.Xo(:,:,n)),2); [s1 s2] = ind2sub([grd.Nx{1} grd.Nx{2}],ind); dyn.Uo{i,n}(dpm_sub2ind(size(dyn.Uo{i,n}),s1,s2)) = dyn.B.lo.Uo{i}(dpm_sub2ind(size(dyn.B.lo.Uo{i}),ones(size(col)),col,n.*ones(size(col)))); [ind col] = dpm_sub2indr([grd.Nx{1}(n) grd.Nx{2}(n)],dpm_findu(current_grd.X{1},dyn.B.hi.Xo(:,:,n)),grd.Nx{1}(n).*ones(1,grd.Nx{2}(n)),2); [s1 s2] = ind2sub([grd.Nx{1}(n) grd.Nx{2}(n)],ind); dyn.Uo{i,n}(dpm_sub2ind(size(dyn.Uo{i,n}),s1,s2)) = dyn.B.hi.Uo{i}(dpm_sub2ind(size(dyn.B.lo.Uo{i}),ones(size(col)),col,n.*ones(size(col)))); else % if cost-to-go is infeasible and some grid points are % still inside boundaries eval(['dyn.Uo{i,n}(:) = current_grd.U{i}(uo' num2str(i) ');']); if dyn.B.lo.Jo(n)dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & current_grd.X{1}0 dyn.Uo{i,n}(current_grd.X{1}>dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & current_grd.X{1}dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) & current_grd.X{1}grd.Xn{1}.hi(i),i) = grd.Xn{1}.lo(i); dynb.Jo{1}(1,isnan(dynb.Jo{1}(1,:,i)),i) = grd.Xn{1}.lo(i).*ones(size(dynb.Jo{1}(1,isnan(dynb.Jo{1}(1,:,i)),i))); end dynb.Jo{2}(isnan(dynb.Jo{2}) | dynb.Jo{2}>=optb.MyInf) = options.MyInf; for i=1:length(dynb.Uo) dynb.Uo{i}(isnan(dynb.Uo{i})) = 1; end % insert lower boundary into original problem definition LineLower.Xo = dynb.Jo{1}; LineLower.Uo = dynb.Uo; LineLower.Jo = dynb.Jo{2}; % add final cost term function LineUpper = dpm_boundary_line_upper(model,par,grd,dis,options) optb = options; parb = par; grdb = grd; grdb.Xn_true{1}.lo = grd.Xn{1}.lo; grdb.Xn_true{1}.hi = grd.Xn{1}.hi; grdb.Nx{1} = ones(1,dis.N+1); grdb.Xn{1}.lo = grd.X0{1}.*ones(1,dis.N+1); grdb.Xn{1}.hi = grd.X0{1}.*ones(1,dis.N+1); optb.UseLine = 0; optb.SaveMap = 1; parb.model = model; parb.options.Iter = options.Iter; parb.options.Tol = options.Tol; optb.CalcLine = 1; if isfield(options,'gN') warning('options.gN can only be used w/ 1 state boundary') optb.gN{1} = grd.XN{1}.hi;%.*sub_x_ones; optb.gN{2} = dpm_interpn(grd.X{1},options.gN{1},grdb.X{1});%.*sub_x_ones); else optb.gN{1} = grd.XN{1}.hi;%.*sub_x_ones; optb.gN{2} = zeros(size(grd.XN{1}.hi));%zeros(size(sub_x_ones)); end optb.MyInf = -options.MyInf; optb.Minimize = 0; % PEL:2012 this used to be ~options.Minimize; optb.Warnings = 'off'; dynb = dpm(@dpm_model_inv,parb,grdb,dis,optb); % convert cellarray to vectors vsize = size(dynb.Jo); for j=1:vsize(1) V_new{j} = nan(1,length(dynb.Jo{j,1}),vsize(2)); for i=1:vsize(2) V_new{j}(1,:,i) = [dynb.Jo{j,i}]; end end usize = size(dynb.Uo); for j=1:usize(1) O_new{j} = nan(1,length(dynb.Uo{j,1}),usize(2)); for i=1:usize(2) % if i1 code_generate_grid = '['; for i=1:length(grd.Nu) code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid 'inpt.U{' num2str(i) '} ']; end code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid '] = ndgrid(']; for i=1:length(grd.Nu) code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid 'current_grd.U{' num2str(i) '},']; end code_generate_grid = code_generate_grid(1:end-1); code_generate_grid = [code_generate_grid ');']; else code_generate_grid = 'inpt.U{1} = current_grd.U{1};'; end % GENERATE CODE FOR COST-TO-GO INTERPOLATION Jsze = size(dyn.Jo); for k=1:Jsze(1) code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = ['cost_to_go{' num2str(k) '} = dpm_interpn(']; for i=length(grd.Nx):-1:1 code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} 'next_grd.X{' num2str(i) '},']; end code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} 'dyn.Jo{' num2str(k) ',n+1},']; for i=length(grd.Nx):-1:1 code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} 'X{' num2str(i) '},']; end code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = code_cost_to_go_interp{k}(1:end-1); code_cost_to_go_interp{k} = [code_cost_to_go_interp{k} ');']; end end iswarned = 0; % Forward sim for n=dis.N0:dis.N for i=1:length(grd.Nx) if options.UseLine && length(grd.Nx)==1 && i==1 && ~options.FixedGrid current_grd.X{i} = linspace(dyn.B.lo.Xo(n),dyn.B.hi.Xo(n),grd.Nx{i}(n))'; elseif options.UseLine && ~options.FixedGrid current_grd.X{i} = linspace(min(dyn.B.lo.Xo(:,n)),max(dyn.B.hi.Xo(:,n)),grd.Nx{i}(n))'; else current_grd.X{i} = linspace(grd.Xn{i}.lo(n),grd.Xn{i}.hi(n),grd.Nx{i}(n))'; end end for i=1:length(grd.Nu) current_grd.U{i} = linspace(grd.Un{i}.lo(n),grd.Un{i}.hi(n),grd.Nu{i}(n))'; end %make inp struct for w = 1:length(dis.W) inp.W{w} = dis.W{w}(n); end inp.Ts = dis.Ts; % if Umap is not used, try all possible u-candidates: if ~options.UseUmap for i=1:length(grd.Nx) next_grd.X{i} = linspace(grd.Xn{i}.lo(n+1),grd.Xn{i}.hi(n+1),grd.Nx{i}(n+1))'; end % set up grid of all possible input candidates % make inp struct for w = 1:length(dis.W) inpt.W{w} = dis.W{w}(n); end inpt.Ts = dis.Ts; eval(code_generate_grid) for i=1:length(grd.Nx) inpt.X{i} = inp.X{i}*ones(size(inpt.U{1})); end % input to system [X C I] = feval(model,inpt,par); % take care of bounds for i=1:length(grd.Nx) I = bitor(I,X{i}>grd.Xn{i}.hi(n+1)); I = bitor(I,X{i}dyn.B.hi.Xo(n+1)); I = bitor(I,X{i}0) = options.MyInf; end % minimize total cost % Calculate cost for entire grid if length(dyn.Jo{1})==1 cost_to_go{1} = dyn.Jo{1}; else %interpolate from cost to go map eval(code_cost_to_go_interp{1}); end Jt = J + cost_to_go{1}; %if no valid input signal is found: if options.UseLevelSet && ~any(reshape(cost_to_go{end},numel(cost_to_go{end}),1)<=0 & reshape(I,numel(I),1)==0) Jt = cost_to_go{2}; Jt(I~=0) = options.MyInf; end if options.Minimize Jt(Jt>options.MyInf) = options.MyInf; else Jt(Jt1 Jt = reshape(Jt,[1,numel(Jt)]); end % minimize the cost-to-go if options.Minimize [Q ui] = min(Jt); else [Q ui] = max(Jt); end % use input that minimizes total cost for i=1:length(inpt.U) if length(grd.Nu)>1 inpt.U{i} = reshape(inpt.U{i},[1,numel(inpt.U{i})]); end inp.U{i} = inpt.U{i}(ui(1)); end else if options.UseLine for i=1:length(grd.Nu) xi = cell(1,length(grd.Nx)); for j=length(grd.Nx):-1:1 if options.InputType(i) == 'd' % Discrete if j==1 xistr = dpm_code('xi{#},',2:length(current_grd.X)); eval(['x1vec = [dyn.B.lo.Xo(1,' xistr 'n); current_grd.X{j}(current_grd.X{j}>dyn.B.lo.Xo(1,' xistr 'n) & current_grd.X{j} 1 inp.U{i} = dpm_interpf2sbh(current_grd.X{1},current_grd.X{2}, dyn.Uo{i,n}(:,:), Xin{1},Xin{2}, [dyn.B.lo.Xo(:,:,n); dyn.B.hi.Xo(:,:,n)]); else inp.U{i} = dpm_interpf1sbh(current_grd.X{1}, dyn.Uo{i,n}, Xin{1}, [dyn.B.lo.Xo(n) dyn.B.hi.Xo(n)]); end end elseif ~isempty(grd.Nu) for i=1:length(grd.Nu) if options.InputType(i) == 'c' % Continuous eval(['inp.U{i} = dpm_interpn(' code_grid_states 'dyn.Uo{i,n}(:' repmat(',:',1,length(grd.Nx)-1) ')' code_input_states ');']); else % Discrete for j=1:length(grd.Nx) eval(['ixm' num2str(j) ' = round((inp.X{j}-current_grd.X{j}(1))/(current_grd.X{j}(2)-current_grd.X{j}(1)) + 1);']); end eval(['inp.U{i} = dyn.Uo{i,n}(' code_states_nearest ');']); end end end end %call model with optimal input: [X C I outn] = feval(model,inp,par); outn.X = inp.X; outn.C = C; outn.I = I; if outn.I~=0 && ~iswarned warning('DPM:Forward','Infeasible Solution!') iswarned = 1; end inp.X = X; if n > dis.N0 out = dpm_mergestruct(out,outn); else out = outn; end % Update progres bar for the Dynamic Programming if ~isdeployed && strcmp(options.Waitbar,'on') waitbar((n-dis.N0)/(dis.N-dis.N0),h); end if ~isdeployed && strcmp(options.Verbose,'on') && mod(n-1,floor(dis.N/100))==0 && round(100*n/dis.N)<100 fprintf('%s%2d %%',ones(1,4)*8,round(100*n/dis.N)); end end for i=1:length(outn.X) out.X{i} = [out.X{i} inp.X{i}]; end % Close progres bar if ~isdeployed && strcmp(options.Waitbar,'on') waitbar(1,h) close(h) end if ~isdeployed && strcmp(options.Verbose,'on') fprintf('%s Done!\n',ones(1,5)*8); end function y = dpm_interpf1mb(xx,yy,A,xlim,ylim,myInf) %MY_INTERPF1M Computes the 1D interpolation for the given set A % using the function YY(xx). USES EXTRAPOLATION % % Y = MY_INTERPF1M(XX,YY,A) % % XX = Axis vector for the value matrix YY % YY = Value matrix % A = Set of XX-values to be interpolated % % Y = Set of interpolated values (same structure as A) % % Assumes equally spaced XX % % Author(s): Olle L. Sundström, 29.11.2006 % Copyright 2006- Olle L. Sundström % find grid point just inside lower boundary Iinl = find(xx>xlim(1),1,'first'); % find grid point just inside upper boundary Iinu = find(xx= xlim(1) & A < xx(Iinl)); % find interpolation points between upper boundary and closest grid point Ibeu = find(A <= xlim(2) & A > xx(Iinu)); % find interpolation points outside boundary Iout = find(A < xlim(1) | A > xlim(2)); % find interpolation points inside boundary Iin = find(A >= xx(Iinl) & A <=xx(Iinu)); % find interpolation points between lower and upper boundary Iinx = find(A >= xlim(1) & A <=xlim(2)); % initialize output y = zeros(size(A)); % interpolate as usual with interior points if ~isempty(Iin) y(Iin) = dpm_interpn(xx',yy',A(Iin)); end % set outside points to inf if ~isempty(Iout) y(Iout)= myInf; end % if there are grid points between boundaries if ~isempty(find(xxxlim(1),1)) % interpolate points between lower boundary and closest feasible grid point if ~isempty(Ibel) y(Ibel)= dpm_interpn([xlim(1) xx(Iinl)],[ylim(1) yy(Iinl)],A(Ibel)); end % interpolate points between upper boundary and closest feasible grid point if ~isempty(Ibeu) y(Ibeu)= dpm_interpn([xx(Iinu) xlim(2)],[yy(Iinu) ylim(2)],A(Ibeu)); end else % if there are no grid points between boundaries y(Iinx)= dpm_interpn(xlim,ylim,A(Iinx)); end function y = dpm_interpf2mb(xx1,xx2,YY,A1,A2,xlim,ylim,myInf) %MY_INTERPF1M Computes the 1D interpolation for the given set A % using the function YY(xx). USES EXTRAPOLATION % % Y = MY_INTERPF1M(XX,YY,A) % % XX = Axis vector for the value matrix YY % YY = Value matrix % A = Set of XX-values to be interpolated % % Y = Set of interpolated values (same structure as A) % % Assumes equally spaced XX % % Author(s): Olle L. Sundström, 29.11.2006 % Copyright 2006- Olle L. Sundström XX1 = repmat(xx1',length(xx2),1); XLIMl = repmat(xlim(1,:)',1,length(xx1)); XLIMu = repmat(xlim(2,:)',1,length(xx1)); % find grid point just inside lower boundary [r c] = find(XX1>XLIMl); [ru in]=unique(r,'first'); Iinl = c(in); % Iinl = findl(XX1>XLIMl,'first'); % find grid point just inside upper boundary [r c] = find(XX1repmat(xlim(:,1),1,31),1,'first'); % Iinu = find(xx= dpm_interpn(xx2,xliml,A2) & A1 < dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1l,A2)); % find interpolation points between upper boundary and closest grid point Ibeu = find(A1 <= dpm_interpn(xx2,xlimu,A2) & A1 > dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1u,A2)); % find interpolation points outside boundary Iout = find(A1 < dpm_interpn(xx2,xliml,A2) | A1 > dpm_interpn(xx2,xlimu,A2)); % find interpolation points inside boundary Iin = find(A1 >= dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1l,A2) & A1 <= dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1u,A2)); % find interpolation points between lower and upper boundary Iinx = find(A1 >= dpm_interpn(xx2,xliml,A2) & A1 <= dpm_interpn(xx2,xlimu,A2)); % initialize output y = nan(size(A1)); % interpolate as usual with interior points if ~isempty(Iin) y(Iin) = dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1,YY,A2(Iin),A1(Iin)); end % set outside points to inf if ~isempty(Iout) y(Iout)= myInf; end % if there are grid points between boundaries % if ~isempty(find(xx1xliml,1)) if ~isempty(min(Iinu - Iinl)>0) % interpolate points between lower boundary and closest feasible grid point if ~isempty(Ibel) Xl = dpm_interpn(xx2,xliml,A2(Ibel)); Xu = dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1l,A2(Ibel)); Yl = dpm_interpn(xx2,yliml,Xl); Yu = dpm_interpn(xx2,YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),Iinl,(1:length(xx2))')),Xu); y(Ibel) = Yl + (A1(Ibel) - Xl)./(Xu-Xl).*(Yu-Yl); % y(Ibel) = dpm_interpn([xliml xx1l],[yliml yy(Iinl)],A(Ibel)); end % interpolate points between upper boundary and closest feasible grid point if ~isempty(Ibeu) Xu = dpm_interpn(xx2,xlimu,A2(Ibeu)); Xl = dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1u,A2(Ibeu)); Yu = dpm_interpn(xx2,ylimu,Xu); Yl = dpm_interpn(xx2,YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),Iinu,(1:length(xx2))')),Xl); y(Ibeu) = Yl + (A1(Ibeu) - Xl)./(Xu-Xl).*(Yu-Yl); % y(Ibeu) = dpm_interpn([xx1u xlimu'],[yy(Iinu) ylim(2)],A2(Ibeu),A1(Ibeu)); end else % if there are no grid points between boundaries y(Iinx) = dpm_interpn(xlim,ylim,A(Iinx)); end function y = dpm_interpf1sbh(xx,yy,a,lim) %MY_INTERPF1M Computes the 1D interpolation for the given set A % using the function YY(xx). USES EXTRAPOLATION % % Y = MY_INTERPF1M(XX,YY,A) % % XX = Axis vector for the value matrix YY % YY = Value matrix % A = Set of XX-values to be interpolated % % Y = Set of interpolated values (same structure as A) % % Assumes equally spaced XX % % Author(s): Olle L. Sundström, 29.11.2006 % Copyright 2006- Olle L. Sundström xlu = find(xx > lim(1),1,'first'); xll = find(xx <= lim(1),1,'last'); xuu = find(xx >= lim(2),1,'first'); xul = find(xx < lim(2),1,'last'); % if a is between lower limit and regular grid if a <= lim(1) y = yy(xll); % if a is outside upper limit elseif a >= lim(2) y = yy(xuu); % if a is inside limits and within regular grid elseif a < xx(xlu) && a > lim(1) % % if close to engine off % if yy(xlu) == 1 || yy(xll) == 1 % [tmp ind] = min(abs([xx(xlu) lim(1)]-a)); % ytmp = [yy(xlu) yy(xll)]; % y = ytmp(ind); % else dy = yy(xlu)-yy(xll); dx = xx(xlu)-lim(1); y = (a-lim(1))*dy/dx + yy(xll); % end % if a is between upper limit and regular grid elseif a < lim(2) && a > xx(xul) % % if close to engine off % if yy(xuu) == 1 || yy(xul) == 1 % [tmp ind] = min(abs([lim(2) xx(xul)]-a)); % ytmp = [yy(xuu) yy(xul)]; % y = ytmp(ind); % else dy = yy(xuu)-yy(xul); dx = lim(2)-xx(xul); y = (a-xx(xul))*dy/dx + yy(xul); % end % if a is outside lower limit else % % if close to engine off % il = find(xxa,1,'first'); % if yy(il) == 1 || yy(iu)==1 % ix = round(dpm_interpn([xx(il) xx(iu)],[1 2],a)); % yy = [yy(il) yy(iu)]; % y = yy(ix); % else y = dpm_interpn(xx,yy,a); % end end function y = dpm_interpf2sbh(xx1,xx2,YY,a1,a2,lim) %MY_INTERPF1M Computes the 1D interpolation for the given set A % using the function YY(xx). USES EXTRAPOLATION % % Y = MY_INTERPF1M(XX,YY,A) % % XX = Axis vector for the value matrix YY % YY = Value matrix % A = Set of XX-values to be interpolated % % Y = Set of interpolated values (same structure as A) % % Assumes equally spaced XX % % Author(s): Olle L. Sundström, 29.11.2006 % Copyright 2006- Olle L. Sundström lim2(1) = dpm_interpn(xx2,lim(1,:),a2); lim2(2) = dpm_interpn(xx2,lim(2,:),a2); yy = dpm_interpn(xx2,xx1,YY,a2.*ones(size(xx1)),xx1); y = dpm_interpf1sbh(xx1,yy,a1,lim2); function y = dpm_interpn(varargin) switch((nargin-1)/2) case 1 xx1 = varargin{1}; YY = varargin{2}; A1 = varargin{3}; Ars = [reshape(A1, [numel(A1) ,1])]; xx{1} = reshape(xx1,[numel(xx1),1]); h = max([max(diff(xx{1}))],eps); Ars(Ars(:,1)max(xx{1}),1) = max(xx{1}); ind(:,1,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,1,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); yy(:,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1))); yy(:,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2))); da(:,1) = (Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(ind(:,1,1)))/h(1); yi = yy(:,1,1) + da(:,1).*(yy(:,2,1) - yy(:,1,1)); y = reshape(yi,size(A1)); case 2 xx2 = varargin{1}; xx1 = varargin{2}; YY = varargin{3}; A2 = varargin{4}; A1 = varargin{5}; Ars = [reshape(A1, [numel(A1) ,1]) reshape(A2, [numel(A2) ,1])]; xx{1} = reshape(xx1,[numel(xx1),1]); xx{2} = reshape(xx2,[numel(xx2),1]); h = max([max(diff(xx{1})) max(diff(xx{2}))],eps); Ars(Ars(:,1)max(xx{1}),1) = max(xx{1}); Ars(Ars(:,2)>max(xx{2}),2) = max(xx{2}); ind(:,1,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,1,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); yy(:,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1))); yy(:,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1))); yy(:,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2))); yy(:,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2))); da(:,1) = (Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(ind(:,1,1)))/h(1); da(:,2) = (Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(ind(:,2,1)))/h(2); v1(:,1) = yy(:,1,1) + da(:,1).*(yy(:,2,1) - yy(:,1,1)); v1(:,2) = yy(:,1,2) + da(:,1).*(yy(:,2,2) - yy(:,1,2)); yi = da(:,2).*(v1(:,2) - v1(:,1)) + v1(:,1); y = reshape(yi,size(A1)); case 3 xx3 = varargin{1}; xx2 = varargin{2}; xx1 = varargin{3}; YY = varargin{4}; A3 = varargin{5}; A2 = varargin{6}; A1 = varargin{7}; Ars = [reshape(A1, [numel(A1) ,1]) reshape(A2, [numel(A2) ,1]) reshape(A3, [numel(A3) ,1])]; xx{1} = reshape(xx1,[numel(xx1),1]); xx{2} = reshape(xx2,[numel(xx2),1]); xx{3} = reshape(xx3,[numel(xx3),1]); h = max([max(diff(xx{1})) max(diff(xx{2})) max(diff(xx{3}))],eps); Ars(Ars(:,1)max(xx{1}),1) = max(xx{1}); Ars(Ars(:,2)>max(xx{2}),2) = max(xx{2}); Ars(Ars(:,3)>max(xx{3}),3) = max(xx{3}); ind(:,1,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,1,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); yy(:,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1))); yy(:,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1))); yy(:,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1))); yy(:,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1))); yy(:,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2))); yy(:,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2))); yy(:,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2))); yy(:,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2))); da(:,1) = (Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(ind(:,1,1)))/h(1); da(:,2) = (Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(ind(:,2,1)))/h(2); da(:,3) = (Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(ind(:,3,1)))/h(3); v2(:,1,1) = yy(:,1,1,1) + da(:,3).*(yy(:,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,1)); v2(:,2,1) = yy(:,2,1,1) + da(:,3).*(yy(:,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,1)); v2(:,1,2) = yy(:,1,2,1) + da(:,3).*(yy(:,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,1)); v2(:,2,2) = yy(:,2,2,1) + da(:,3).*(yy(:,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,1)); v1(:,1) = v2(:,1,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,1,2) - v2(:,1,1)); v1(:,2) = v2(:,2,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,2,2) - v2(:,2,1)); yi = da(:,1).*(v1(:,2) - v1(:,1)) + v1(:,1); y = reshape(yi,size(A1)); case 4 xx4 = varargin{1}; xx3 = varargin{2}; xx2 = varargin{3}; xx1 = varargin{4}; YY = varargin{5}; A4 = varargin{6}; A3 = varargin{7}; A2 = varargin{8}; A1 = varargin{9}; Ars = [reshape(A1, [numel(A1) ,1]) reshape(A2, [numel(A2) ,1]) reshape(A3, [numel(A3) ,1]) reshape(A4, [numel(A4) ,1])]; xx{1} = reshape(xx1,[numel(xx1),1]); xx{2} = reshape(xx2,[numel(xx2),1]); xx{3} = reshape(xx3,[numel(xx3),1]); xx{4} = reshape(xx4,[numel(xx4),1]); h = max([max(diff(xx{1})) max(diff(xx{2})) max(diff(xx{3})) max(diff(xx{4}))],eps); Ars(Ars(:,1)max(xx{1}),1) = max(xx{1}); Ars(Ars(:,2)>max(xx{2}),2) = max(xx{2}); Ars(Ars(:,3)>max(xx{3}),3) = max(xx{3}); Ars(Ars(:,4)>max(xx{4}),4) = max(xx{4}); ind(:,1,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,4,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(1))/h(4)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,1,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,4,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(1))/h(4)*1e8)*1e-8); yy(:,1,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,2,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,1,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,2,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,1,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,2,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,1,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,2,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1))); yy(:,1,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2))); yy(:,2,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2))); yy(:,1,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2))); yy(:,2,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2))); yy(:,1,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2))); yy(:,2,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2))); yy(:,1,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2))); yy(:,2,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2))); da(:,1) = (Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(ind(:,1,1)))/h(1); da(:,2) = (Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(ind(:,2,1)))/h(2); da(:,3) = (Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(ind(:,3,1)))/h(3); da(:,4) = (Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(ind(:,4,1)))/h(4); v3(:,1,1,1) = yy(:,1,1,1,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,1,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,1,1)); v3(:,2,1,1) = yy(:,2,1,1,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,2,1,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,1,1)); v3(:,1,2,1) = yy(:,1,2,1,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,1,2,1,2) - yy(:,1,2,1,1)); v3(:,2,2,1) = yy(:,2,2,1,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,2,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,2,1,1)); v3(:,1,1,2) = yy(:,1,1,2,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,1,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,1,2,1)); v3(:,2,1,2) = yy(:,2,1,2,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,2,1,2,2) - yy(:,2,1,2,1)); v3(:,1,2,2) = yy(:,1,2,2,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,1,2,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,2,1)); v3(:,2,2,2) = yy(:,2,2,2,1) + da(:,4).*(yy(:,2,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,2,1)); v2(:,1,1) = v3(:,1,1,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,1,1,2) - v3(:,1,1,1)); v2(:,2,1) = v3(:,2,1,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,2,1,2) - v3(:,2,1,1)); v2(:,1,2) = v3(:,1,2,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,1,2,2) - v3(:,1,2,1)); v2(:,2,2) = v3(:,2,2,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,2,2,2) - v3(:,2,2,1)); v1(:,1) = v2(:,1,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,1,2) - v2(:,1,1)); v1(:,2) = v2(:,2,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,2,2) - v2(:,2,1)); yi = da(:,1).*(v1(:,2) - v1(:,1)) + v1(:,1); y = reshape(yi,size(A1)); case 5 xx5 = varargin{1}; xx4 = varargin{2}; xx3 = varargin{3}; xx2 = varargin{4}; xx1 = varargin{5}; YY = varargin{6}; A5 = varargin{7}; A4 = varargin{8}; A3 = varargin{9}; A2 = varargin{10}; A1 = varargin{11}; Ars = [reshape(A1, [numel(A1) ,1]) reshape(A2, [numel(A2) ,1]) reshape(A3, [numel(A3) ,1]) reshape(A4, [numel(A4) ,1]) reshape(A5, [numel(A5) ,1])]; xx{1} = reshape(xx1,[numel(xx1),1]); xx{2} = reshape(xx2,[numel(xx2),1]); xx{3} = reshape(xx3,[numel(xx3),1]); xx{4} = reshape(xx4,[numel(xx4),1]); xx{5} = reshape(xx5,[numel(xx5),1]); h = max([max(diff(xx{1})) max(diff(xx{2})) max(diff(xx{3})) max(diff(xx{4})) max(diff(xx{5}))],eps); Ars(Ars(:,1)max(xx{1}),1) = max(xx{1}); Ars(Ars(:,2)>max(xx{2}),2) = max(xx{2}); Ars(Ars(:,3)>max(xx{3}),3) = max(xx{3}); Ars(Ars(:,4)>max(xx{4}),4) = max(xx{4}); Ars(Ars(:,5)>max(xx{5}),5) = max(xx{5}); ind(:,1,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,4,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(1))/h(4)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,5,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,5)-xx{5}(1))/h(5)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,1,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,4,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(1))/h(4)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,5,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,5)-xx{5}(1))/h(5)*1e8)*1e-8); yy(:,1,1,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,1,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,2,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,2,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,1,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,1,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,2,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,2,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,1,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,1,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,2,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,2,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,1,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,1,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,2,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,2,2,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1))); yy(:,1,1,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,1,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,1,2,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,2,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,1,1,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,1,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,1,2,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,2,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,1,1,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,1,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,1,2,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,2,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,1,1,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,1,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,1,2,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); yy(:,2,2,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2))); da(:,1) = (Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(ind(:,1,1)))/h(1); da(:,2) = (Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(ind(:,2,1)))/h(2); da(:,3) = (Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(ind(:,3,1)))/h(3); da(:,4) = (Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(ind(:,4,1)))/h(4); da(:,5) = (Ars(:,5)-xx{5}(ind(:,5,1)))/h(5); v4(:,1,1,1,1) = yy(:,1,1,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,1,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,1,1,1)); v4(:,2,1,1,1) = yy(:,2,1,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,1,1,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,1,1,1)); v4(:,1,2,1,1) = yy(:,1,2,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,2,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,2,1,1,1)); v4(:,2,2,1,1) = yy(:,2,2,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,2,1,1,2) - yy(:,2,2,1,1,1)); v4(:,1,1,2,1) = yy(:,1,1,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,1,2,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,2,1,1)); v4(:,2,1,2,1) = yy(:,2,1,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,1,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,2,1,1)); v4(:,1,2,2,1) = yy(:,1,2,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,2,2,1,2) - yy(:,1,2,2,1,1)); v4(:,2,2,2,1) = yy(:,2,2,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,2,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,2,2,1,1)); v4(:,1,1,1,2) = yy(:,1,1,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,1,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,1,1,2,1)); v4(:,2,1,1,2) = yy(:,2,1,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,1,1,2,2) - yy(:,2,1,1,2,1)); v4(:,1,2,1,2) = yy(:,1,2,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,2,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,1,2,1)); v4(:,2,2,1,2) = yy(:,2,2,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,2,1,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,1,2,1)); v4(:,1,1,2,2) = yy(:,1,1,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,1,2,2,2) - yy(:,1,1,2,2,1)); v4(:,2,1,2,2) = yy(:,2,1,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,1,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,1,2,2,1)); v4(:,1,2,2,2) = yy(:,1,2,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,1,2,2,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,2,2,1)); v4(:,2,2,2,2) = yy(:,2,2,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(yy(:,2,2,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,2,2,1)); v3(:,1,1,1) = v4(:,1,1,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,1,1,2) - v4(:,1,1,1,1)); v3(:,2,1,1) = v4(:,2,1,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,1,1,2) - v4(:,2,1,1,1)); v3(:,1,2,1) = v4(:,1,2,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,2,1,2) - v4(:,1,2,1,1)); v3(:,2,2,1) = v4(:,2,2,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,2,1,2) - v4(:,2,2,1,1)); v3(:,1,1,2) = v4(:,1,1,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,1,2,2) - v4(:,1,1,2,1)); v3(:,2,1,2) = v4(:,2,1,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,1,2,2) - v4(:,2,1,2,1)); v3(:,1,2,2) = v4(:,1,2,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,2,2,2) - v4(:,1,2,2,1)); v3(:,2,2,2) = v4(:,2,2,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,2,2,2) - v4(:,2,2,2,1)); v2(:,1,1) = v3(:,1,1,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,1,1,2) - v3(:,1,1,1)); v2(:,2,1) = v3(:,2,1,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,2,1,2) - v3(:,2,1,1)); v2(:,1,2) = v3(:,1,2,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,1,2,2) - v3(:,1,2,1)); v2(:,2,2) = v3(:,2,2,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,2,2,2) - v3(:,2,2,1)); v1(:,1) = v2(:,1,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,1,2) - v2(:,1,1)); v1(:,2) = v2(:,2,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,2,2) - v2(:,2,1)); yi = da(:,1).*(v1(:,2) - v1(:,1)) + v1(:,1); y = reshape(yi,size(A1)); case 6 xx6 = varargin{1}; xx5 = varargin{2}; xx4 = varargin{3}; xx3 = varargin{4}; xx2 = varargin{5}; xx1 = varargin{6}; YY = varargin{7}; A6 = varargin{8}; A5 = varargin{9}; A4 = varargin{10}; A3 = varargin{11}; A2 = varargin{12}; A1 = varargin{13}; Ars = [reshape(A1, [numel(A1) ,1]) reshape(A2, [numel(A2) ,1]) reshape(A3, [numel(A3) ,1]) reshape(A4, [numel(A4) ,1]) reshape(A5, [numel(A5) ,1]) reshape(A6, [numel(A6) ,1])]; xx{1} = reshape(xx1,[numel(xx1),1]); xx{2} = reshape(xx2,[numel(xx2),1]); xx{3} = reshape(xx3,[numel(xx3),1]); xx{4} = reshape(xx4,[numel(xx4),1]); xx{5} = reshape(xx5,[numel(xx5),1]); xx{6} = reshape(xx6,[numel(xx6),1]); h = max([max(diff(xx{1})) max(diff(xx{2})) max(diff(xx{3})) max(diff(xx{4})) max(diff(xx{5})) max(diff(xx{6}))],eps); Ars(Ars(:,1)max(xx{1}),1) = max(xx{1}); Ars(Ars(:,2)>max(xx{2}),2) = max(xx{2}); Ars(Ars(:,3)>max(xx{3}),3) = max(xx{3}); Ars(Ars(:,4)>max(xx{4}),4) = max(xx{4}); Ars(Ars(:,5)>max(xx{5}),5) = max(xx{5}); Ars(Ars(:,6)>max(xx{6}),6) = max(xx{6}); ind(:,1,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,4,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(1))/h(4)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,5,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,5)-xx{5}(1))/h(5)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,6,1) = 1 + floor(round((Ars(:,6)-xx{6}(1))/h(6)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,1,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(1))/h(1)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,2,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(1))/h(2)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,3,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(1))/h(3)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,4,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(1))/h(4)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,5,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,5)-xx{5}(1))/h(5)*1e8)*1e-8); ind(:,6,2) = 1 + ceil(round((Ars(:,6)-xx{6}(1))/h(6)*1e8)*1e-8); yy(:,1,1,1,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,1,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,1,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,1,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,2,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,2,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,2,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,2,1,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,1,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,1,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,1,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,1,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,2,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,2,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,2,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,2,2,1,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,1,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,1,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,1,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,1,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,2,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,2,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,2,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,2,1,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,1,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,1,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,1,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,1,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,2,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,1,2,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,2,2,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,2,2,2,2,2,1) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,1))); yy(:,1,1,1,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,1,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,1,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,1,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,1,2,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,2,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,2,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,2,1,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,1,1,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,1,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,1,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,1,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,1,2,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,2,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,2,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,2,2,1,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,1),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,1,1,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,1,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,1,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,1,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,1,2,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,2,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,2,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,2,1,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,1),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,1,1,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,1,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,1,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,1,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,1),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,1,2,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,1,2,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,1),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,1,2,2,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,1),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); yy(:,2,2,2,2,2,2) = YY(dpm_sub2ind(size(YY),ind(:,1,2),ind(:,2,2),ind(:,3,2),ind(:,4,2),ind(:,5,2),ind(:,6,2))); da(:,1) = (Ars(:,1)-xx{1}(ind(:,1,1)))/h(1); da(:,2) = (Ars(:,2)-xx{2}(ind(:,2,1)))/h(2); da(:,3) = (Ars(:,3)-xx{3}(ind(:,3,1)))/h(3); da(:,4) = (Ars(:,4)-xx{4}(ind(:,4,1)))/h(4); da(:,5) = (Ars(:,5)-xx{5}(ind(:,5,1)))/h(5); da(:,6) = (Ars(:,6)-xx{6}(ind(:,6,1)))/h(6); v5(:,1,1,1,1,1) = yy(:,1,1,1,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,1,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,1,1,1,1)); v5(:,2,1,1,1,1) = yy(:,2,1,1,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,1,1,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,1,1,1,1)); v5(:,1,2,1,1,1) = yy(:,1,2,1,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,1,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,2,1,1,1,1)); v5(:,2,2,1,1,1) = yy(:,2,2,1,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,1,1,1,2) - yy(:,2,2,1,1,1,1)); v5(:,1,1,2,1,1) = yy(:,1,1,2,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,2,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,2,1,1,1)); v5(:,2,1,2,1,1) = yy(:,2,1,2,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,2,1,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,2,1,1,1)); v5(:,1,2,2,1,1) = yy(:,1,2,2,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,2,1,1,2) - yy(:,1,2,2,1,1,1)); v5(:,2,2,2,1,1) = yy(:,2,2,2,1,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,2,1,1,2) - yy(:,2,2,2,1,1,1)); v5(:,1,1,1,2,1) = yy(:,1,1,1,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,1,2,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,1,2,1,1)); v5(:,2,1,1,2,1) = yy(:,2,1,1,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,1,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,1,2,1,1)); v5(:,1,2,1,2,1) = yy(:,1,2,1,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,1,2,1,2) - yy(:,1,2,1,2,1,1)); v5(:,2,2,1,2,1) = yy(:,2,2,1,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,1,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,2,1,2,1,1)); v5(:,1,1,2,2,1) = yy(:,1,1,2,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,2,2,1,2) - yy(:,1,1,2,2,1,1)); v5(:,2,1,2,2,1) = yy(:,2,1,2,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,2,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,1,2,2,1,1)); v5(:,1,2,2,2,1) = yy(:,1,2,2,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,2,2,1,2) - yy(:,1,2,2,2,1,1)); v5(:,2,2,2,2,1) = yy(:,2,2,2,2,1,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,2,2,1,2) - yy(:,2,2,2,2,1,1)); v5(:,1,1,1,1,2) = yy(:,1,1,1,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,1,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,1,1,1,2,1)); v5(:,2,1,1,1,2) = yy(:,2,1,1,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,1,1,2,2) - yy(:,2,1,1,1,2,1)); v5(:,1,2,1,1,2) = yy(:,1,2,1,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,1,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,1,1,2,1)); v5(:,2,2,1,1,2) = yy(:,2,2,1,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,1,1,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,1,1,2,1)); v5(:,1,1,2,1,2) = yy(:,1,1,2,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,2,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,1,2,1,2,1)); v5(:,2,1,2,1,2) = yy(:,2,1,2,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,2,1,2,2) - yy(:,2,1,2,1,2,1)); v5(:,1,2,2,1,2) = yy(:,1,2,2,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,2,1,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,2,1,2,1)); v5(:,2,2,2,1,2) = yy(:,2,2,2,1,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,2,1,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,2,1,2,1)); v5(:,1,1,1,2,2) = yy(:,1,1,1,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,1,2,2,2) - yy(:,1,1,1,2,2,1)); v5(:,2,1,1,2,2) = yy(:,2,1,1,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,1,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,1,1,2,2,1)); v5(:,1,2,1,2,2) = yy(:,1,2,1,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,1,2,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,1,2,2,1)); v5(:,2,2,1,2,2) = yy(:,2,2,1,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,1,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,1,2,2,1)); v5(:,1,1,2,2,2) = yy(:,1,1,2,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,1,2,2,2,2) - yy(:,1,1,2,2,2,1)); v5(:,2,1,2,2,2) = yy(:,2,1,2,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,1,2,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,1,2,2,2,1)); v5(:,1,2,2,2,2) = yy(:,1,2,2,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,1,2,2,2,2,2) - yy(:,1,2,2,2,2,1)); v5(:,2,2,2,2,2) = yy(:,2,2,2,2,2,1) + da(:,6).*(yy(:,2,2,2,2,2,2) - yy(:,2,2,2,2,2,1)); v4(:,1,1,1,1) = v5(:,1,1,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,1,1,1,2) - v5(:,1,1,1,1,1)); v4(:,2,1,1,1) = v5(:,2,1,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,1,1,1,2) - v5(:,2,1,1,1,1)); v4(:,1,2,1,1) = v5(:,1,2,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,2,1,1,2) - v5(:,1,2,1,1,1)); v4(:,2,2,1,1) = v5(:,2,2,1,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,2,1,1,2) - v5(:,2,2,1,1,1)); v4(:,1,1,2,1) = v5(:,1,1,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,1,2,1,2) - v5(:,1,1,2,1,1)); v4(:,2,1,2,1) = v5(:,2,1,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,1,2,1,2) - v5(:,2,1,2,1,1)); v4(:,1,2,2,1) = v5(:,1,2,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,2,2,1,2) - v5(:,1,2,2,1,1)); v4(:,2,2,2,1) = v5(:,2,2,2,1,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,2,2,1,2) - v5(:,2,2,2,1,1)); v4(:,1,1,1,2) = v5(:,1,1,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,1,1,2,2) - v5(:,1,1,1,2,1)); v4(:,2,1,1,2) = v5(:,2,1,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,1,1,2,2) - v5(:,2,1,1,2,1)); v4(:,1,2,1,2) = v5(:,1,2,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,2,1,2,2) - v5(:,1,2,1,2,1)); v4(:,2,2,1,2) = v5(:,2,2,1,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,2,1,2,2) - v5(:,2,2,1,2,1)); v4(:,1,1,2,2) = v5(:,1,1,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,1,2,2,2) - v5(:,1,1,2,2,1)); v4(:,2,1,2,2) = v5(:,2,1,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,1,2,2,2) - v5(:,2,1,2,2,1)); v4(:,1,2,2,2) = v5(:,1,2,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,1,2,2,2,2) - v5(:,1,2,2,2,1)); v4(:,2,2,2,2) = v5(:,2,2,2,2,1) + da(:,5).*(v5(:,2,2,2,2,2) - v5(:,2,2,2,2,1)); v3(:,1,1,1) = v4(:,1,1,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,1,1,2) - v4(:,1,1,1,1)); v3(:,2,1,1) = v4(:,2,1,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,1,1,2) - v4(:,2,1,1,1)); v3(:,1,2,1) = v4(:,1,2,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,2,1,2) - v4(:,1,2,1,1)); v3(:,2,2,1) = v4(:,2,2,1,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,2,1,2) - v4(:,2,2,1,1)); v3(:,1,1,2) = v4(:,1,1,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,1,2,2) - v4(:,1,1,2,1)); v3(:,2,1,2) = v4(:,2,1,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,1,2,2) - v4(:,2,1,2,1)); v3(:,1,2,2) = v4(:,1,2,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,1,2,2,2) - v4(:,1,2,2,1)); v3(:,2,2,2) = v4(:,2,2,2,1) + da(:,4).*(v4(:,2,2,2,2) - v4(:,2,2,2,1)); v2(:,1,1) = v3(:,1,1,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,1,1,2) - v3(:,1,1,1)); v2(:,2,1) = v3(:,2,1,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,2,1,2) - v3(:,2,1,1)); v2(:,1,2) = v3(:,1,2,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,1,2,2) - v3(:,1,2,1)); v2(:,2,2) = v3(:,2,2,1) + da(:,3).*(v3(:,2,2,2) - v3(:,2,2,1)); v1(:,1) = v2(:,1,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,1,2) - v2(:,1,1)); v1(:,2) = v2(:,2,1) + da(:,2).*(v2(:,2,2) - v2(:,2,1)); yi = da(:,1).*(v1(:,2) - v1(:,1)) + v1(:,1); y = reshape(yi,size(A1)); otherwise error('DPM:Internal','Too many states or inputs: contact the author of DPM') end function S = dpm_mergestruct(S1,S2) % WARNING: might cause memory problems! try S = S1; names = fieldnames(S1); for i=1:length(names) if isstruct(S1.(names{i})) S.(names{i}) = dpm_mergestruct(S1.(names{i}), S2.(names{i})); elseif iscell(S1.(names{i})) for j=1:numel(S1.(names{i})) S.(names{i}){j} = [S1.(names{i}){j} S2.(names{i}){j}]; end elseif isnumeric(S1.(names{i})) || islogical(S1.(names{i})) S.(names{i}) = [S1.(names{i}) S2.(names{i})]; else S.(names{i}) = S2.(names{i}); end end catch error('mergestruct: S1 and S2 have different structures.') end function inp = dpm_get_empty_inp(grd,dis,options) if strcmp(options,'nan') value = nan; elseif strcmp(options,'zero') value = 0; elseif strcmp(options,'inf') value = inf; end for i=1:length(grd.Nx) inp.X{i} = value; end for i=1:length(grd.Nu) inp.U{i} = value; end for i=1:length(dis.W) inp.W{i} = value; end inp.Ts = dis.Ts; function out = dpm_get_empty_out(model,inp,par,grd,options) %GET_EMPTY_OUT Gets an empty result struct % OUT = GET_EMPTY_OUT(MODEL,OPTIONS) % Gets an empty output struct from model. % % See also dpm_forward_sim % % Author(s): Olle L. Sundström, 29.11.2006 % Copyright 2006- Olle L. Sundström if ~exist('options') options = 'nan'; end [X C I out] = feval(model,inp,par); out.X = X; out.C = C; out.I = I; out = dpm_setallfield(out,options); function S = dpm_setallfield(S1,options) try if strcmp(options,'nan') value = nan; elseif strcmp(options,'zero') value = 0; elseif strcmp(options,'inf') value = inf; end S = S1; names = fieldnames(S1); for i=1:length(names) if isstruct(S1.(names{i})) S.(names{i}) = dpm_setallfield(S1.(names{i}), options); elseif iscell(S1.(names{i})) for j=1:numel(S1.(names{i})) S.(names{i}){j} = value; end elseif isnumeric(S1.(names{i})) || islogical(S1.(names{i})) S.(names{i}) = value; else S.(names{i}) = S1.(names{i}); end end catch error('mergestruct: S1 and S2 have different structures.') end function [X C I out]= dpm_model_inv(inp,par) inpo = inp; iterations = 0; dSOC = inf; while max(abs(reshape(dSOC,1,numel(dSOC)))) > par.options.Tol && iterations < par.options.Iter % [out.X out.C out.I] = eval([par.model '(inp,par);']); [X C I] = feval(par.model,inp,par); dSOC = X{1} - inpo.X{1}; inp.X{1} = inp.X{1} - dSOC; iterations = iterations+1; end % out.I = bitor(out.I,bitor(out.X{1}lim.Xn{1}.hi)); X = inp.X; C{2} = C{1}; C{1} = (X{1}-inpo.X{1}); out = []; function str = dpm_code(s,v,m) % v = [1 2 3]; % s = 'inp.U{*}'; % str = ''; if ~exist('m','var') m=''; end v = reshape(v,1,numel(v)); str = repmat([s m],1,length(v)); str = str(1:end-length(m)); star = strfind(str, '#'); str(star) = strrep(int2str(v), ' ', ''); function in = dpm_findu(A,vec) da = A(2)-A(1); in = 1+ceil((vec-A(1))./da); in = max(in,1); in = min(in,length(A)); function in = dpm_findl(A,vec) da = A(2)-A(1); in = 1+floor((vec-A(1))./da); in = max(in,1); in = min(in,length(A)); function [ind col] = dpm_sub2indr(sze,vl,vu,dim) ind0 = [0:sze(dim)-1].*sze(1); ind = reshape([(vl+ind0); (vu+ind0)],1,numel(ind0)*2); indstr = num2str(ind'); ind = eval(['[' reshape([indstr repmat(': ',1,length(vl))']',1,numel([indstr repmat(': ',1,length(vl))']')) ']']); col = ceil((ind)/sze(1)); function ndx = dpm_sub2ind(siz,varargin) siz = double(siz); if length(siz) ~= nargin-1 %Adjust input if length(siz)